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FR Marbres som  a marbrista  To Barcelona  dedicated to the elaboration and transformation of natural stone, marble, granite, quars surfaces, Neolith, Silestone, Quarts, etc.

It will be founded at  2010 by Ferran Reja amb un llarg recorregut in the món del marbre i de la pedra, so much in banys, cuines, paviments, façanes; hotels, habitatges, shopping centers...

We will differentiate ourselves from the other companies thanks to our service, because we offer footage, height and location of the product to the work, always seeking the best results, we can control there, from the reception and processing of the fined fish to the seva col·location.

In this way, we can have maximum control in all these phases, offering excellence in our results.  

Our philosophy is based on the following pillars:  



Volem transmetre als our clients seguretat in allò què  fem, basant-nos en l'experiència i previs results.


As a small company, we will move close to the client, consolidate the relationship that I have with each other.  They must show empathy, treat us more humanely than feina.


We work with enthusiasm, effectiveness, efficiency and in a professional way to guarantee the best results.


We believe that the communication and the relationship between the client and our team is very important to obtain millions of results.




C/ Palautordera, 25

polygon  Can Prat

08450, Llinars del Valles


Phone: 937812012



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