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FR Marbres is an own workshop of marble-worker in Barcelona  that  elaborates and transforms natural stone, marble, granite, quartz surfaces, Neolith, Silestone, Quartz, etc.  

The company was founded in 2010 by Ferran Reja with an extensive professional background talking about marble and stone in  bathrooms, kitchens, pavements, façades; hotels, dwellings, shopping centers...

We differentiate us from the other companies thanks to our services. We  offer measurement, cutting and placement of the product in the building site, looking for the best result. Doing that, we can control all the process, from the reception and elaboration of the different pieces until their placement.  This is the way we want to offer an excellence in our results by  controlling all the phases.

Our philosophy is based on the following blocks:





We want to transmit to our clients  security in what we do, based on our experience and previous results.


As a small company, we want to transmit to you proximity, consolidate the relationship with each one  of you and show you empathy, by treating humanely what we do. 


We work with enthusiasm, efficiency and professionalism to ensure  you the best result.


We believe that the communication and the treat between the clients and our team is very important to get better results.


C/ Palautordera, 25

polygon  Can Prat

08450, Llinars del Valles


Phone number: 937812012



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